Do Statin Drugs Cause Diabetes and Heart Disease?
Dr. David Jenkins has proven that using a combination of soy, fiber, almonds, and plant sterols (cholesterol-lowering fats) could lower cholesterol levels as much as statin drugs.
I find it fascinating that patients who lower their cholesterol with statin drugs have been found to have higher levels of insulin and those who lowered their cholesterol through diet had lower insulin levels. High insulin levels cause weight gain around the middle, high blood pressure, increase in inflammation, and promote stickiness of the blood. In turn, each of these conditions contributes to heart attacks and heart disease.
Lowering insulin through diet and lifestyle corrects almost all of the risk factors for heart disease.
We need to look towards other treatments for heart disease. Treatments that have proven MORE effective for reducing the risk of heart disease than statin drugs.
Lifestyle medicine is the treatment we need as it includes nutrition, exercise, and stress management. The main focus is restoring balance in each person. When you do this, risk factors and symptoms go away.
The side effects include weight loss, more energy, and better sleep. Additionally, increased well being, a reduction of most disease, and increased longevity can be experienced.
Nutrition, exercise, and stress management are essential medicine.
You can’t eat a bad diet, avoid exercise and expect to be healthy.
A whole foods, plant based diet and physical activity is the best medicine.
To your good health,
Mark Hyman, MD
8 thoughts on “Statin Drug Dangers with Dr. Mark Hyman”
I remember when this first came up on the TV a few years ago I went to my doctor and addressed my concerns but he said I would be more at risk if I did not take them. So after about 20 years taking them I don’t really have a problem with them now. Thanks for sharing.
This is great example of how we each must check with our individual doctors and make personal decisions.
Hi Elise and Dr. Mark,
I just had an episode that I believe was related to Atorvastatin. My Doctor wrote a prescription and I always check out medications because I do have a number of allergies. I decided not to take this medication. When I told my doctor, he insisted that I was putting myself at great risk for not taking it, so reluctantly I did start taking it.
I noticed some itching and skin irritations which I found could be a side effect of the medication but didn’t think anymore about it. There was a mixup in my refill and I did haven’t the medication for a week or so.
When I finally received it, after about 2 days, I had body aches, muscle cramps and soreness like I never had before and could hardly walk. I stopped taking it and in about 2 days, I was better but I still believe it had a lasting effect on my muscles.
Thank goodness that you stepped up and were your won best advcate. That is so important!
Please do let me know if I can help you in anyway. A detox may help you 🙂
This article caught my eye because Doctors have been trying to put my husband and I on statins when we visit them…because of our age or some other silly notion.
Now I did try them once, and my muscles tightened up so badly after a few days. Thank goodness “allergies to statins” is on my permanent record lol.
It all comes down to diet, exercise and a good mind state. Eating Organic foods that are not processed, making juices, and the like makes our bodies crave energy not a full belly. Therefore, certain foods can bring down cholesterol.
But it is also important to take care of our blood vessels and take some good old fish oil.
I loved this article Elise. I used to go to a naturopath all the time as our “family doctor” but now that we moved, it is difficult to find one.
I am sorry that you are having a hard time finding a new local naturopath. This link may help you:
Even with this link please do your due diligence and make sure that any practitioner that you choose can provide you with comfort, knowledge and respect to your own point of views. Of course do let me know of any help that I can provide to you.
Juice on,
Very interesting article. I am on Statins and have been for quite a number of years. I remember when this first came up on the TV a few years ago I went to my doctor and addressed my concerns but he said I would be more at risk if I did not take them. So after about 20 years taking them I don’t really have a problem with them now. Thanks for sharing.
I love that you have done your due diligence as well as comparing postives and negatives. These are all very important parts of the process of taking care of your health.