Practice Self Care And Enjoy The Life You Deserve.
Your mood is affected by what you eat. Eliminating processed foods, limiting your intake of cookies, cakes, and other baked goods, and eating a whole foods diet is best. Following these simple guidelines can provide tremendous benefit both for now and for later as we work to avoid age-related diseases such as Alzheimer’s.
The elimination, or limitation, of sugar, can help you to deal with stress in a more calm and mindful fashion. A practice of yoga and meditation also offers many benefits.
It is easy to see how integrated our well-being really can be as we look towards these suggestions.
- The practice of yoga helps us to deal with stress which in turn helps to protect our mind.
- Exercise helps us to have a strong body.
- A strong body includes a strong heart, well-functioning lungs, diabetes management, and weight control.
- Good health offers stamina for work, for life, and for fun.
- Yoga allows us to build our core strength.
- Core strength helps with protecting our backs and the rest of the body from injury.
We also receive inward help with a good yoga practice.
We truly connect to our spirit when we turn our thoughts inward. It is a wonderful way to practice self-care.
Spirituality can mean something different for everyone.
The commonality is that this connection to your spirit, or lack thereof, drives thoughts, decisions, desires, and actions. It may come from your connection to your inner goddess, a connection to god, or a connection to something else entirely.
When we bring these beautiful parts of ourselves together we are practicing true self-care. It is important to always be mindful and look towards the health of our body, mind, and spirit. In doing so we provide proper physical, mental and spiritual nourishment. We must look toward our relationship with ourselves, respect ourselves and, finally, appreciate our wonderful qualities. We must look towards our relationship with others, how we appreciate the gifts that others offer, and how we communicate our needs, wants, and desires.
Self Care Means Accepting Help
While self-care is a personal journey, you should not feel forced to face the battle alone. People hold the key to our happiness. For starters, then, creating magical memories with the people we love should be a priority. It will feed your mind and soul.
Nobody lives a perfect life and we all face obstacles on the journey of life. Ignoring your issues is the worst mistake you can make. Attending to your issues quickly is essential, which may include reaching out for professional support. If your mental health has been harmed due to the pandemic, look for a depression and anxiety therapist near me. The sooner you gain a diagnosis and treatment plan, the better.
The simple knowledge that you are making positive changes in your life will serve you well. Conversely, when you go it alone, even small problems can escalate into something far worse.
Self Care Is Also Looking After Your Appearance
We often tend to put off projects that help us look at our best. Of course, we all know about following a healthy, nutritious diet, and we understand the benefits of daily exercise. But how about a professional haircut that enhances your most beautiful features? Or why not spend a day at a spa or retreat to nurture body and mind? Or why not invest in cosmetic dentistry and finally rediscover the beauty of your smile?
While these might seem superficial projects, they can truly help you feel and look your best which, in turn, can have important positive consequences on your confidence and self-esteem. And remember, self-care is a journey!
Learn more about self-care and living A Fulfilled Life HERE then share your tips below.
14 thoughts on “Practice Self Care And Enjoy The Life You Deserve”
We often think of self-care as pampering…which is definitely part of it…but we sometimes forget self-care taking good care of our minds and our bodies. Thanks for this reminder. I’m coming to you through your feature on the Blogger’s Pit Stop.
Thank you for coming for a visit. We do often forget that self-care can, and should, include much more than pampering. Sometimes our self-care is as simple as remembering to drink water or take your vitamins.
As both a woman and a mom, I’ve found that losing myself in my family has been WAY too easy. Thank you for your tips!
It is so easy to get caught up in that space. It is good to break free
I agree with just about everything you’ve put in your post. I’ve found by getting rid of processed foods and eating meals made from scratch, I do not crave sugar as much. Its when I grab something premade for a meal, I start craving sugar again.
Thank you so much for sharing your experience.
Hi Dr. Elise Cohen,
This post is an excellent one. Self-care is the critical tool we all need to take charge of our lives.
Thanks for sharing.
You are certainly correct about self-care being an important critical tool. I do hope that you are using this tool regularly.
I think we can all use a little more self-care than what we allow ourselves. I know I need to get meditating again, and now that it’s warming up getting outside for awhile each day is a lot easier. Thanks for the tips!
You are very welcome and I do agree that many of us do not take the time we owe ourselves to take care of ourselves.
I loved the bit on yoga. It’s something I used to do every morning but stopped recently, and I definitely miss the benefits. This is the push I needed to start again!
That is wonderful to hear. Inspiring someone is such a thrill.
Hi Dr. Elise,
This is such a fantastic post!
When people talk about self-care most don’t mention diet. It has such a HUGE impact on us. As much as finding out I’m allergic to gluten maybe 8 months ago was a blow, I’ve never eaten as clean as I do now. I have to, so no cakes, cookies and other stuff for me. Well, unless I make it myself, that is, and luckily for me I usually can’t be bothered.
I’ve been so bad with keeping up with doing yoga, I’ll do it for a few days and then I get distracted. I’m going to sign off and go roll out my mat and get to it.
Thanks for the reminder to give myself some much-needed self-care.
Nadalie, It’s All You Boo
NEW POST: 26 Inspiring Self-Love Quotes
Thank you very much and how great that this post made you grab your yoga mat. I agree that diet is a huge part of what we need to do to take care of ourselves. Unfortunately this word has become a but of a bad word. That is sad, especially when we look at the fact that it really just means a style of eating and not, necessarily, a weight loss program.