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Top 13 Outdoor Winter Activities For Kids

Disclaimer: Elise Ho, aka “Dr. Ho” is a Holistic Health & Life Coach. Dr. Ho is NOT a medical doctor, licensed therapist, lawyer, or a bevy of other things. Products or services that Dr. Ho believes in are the only ones that she recommends. Dr. Ho may receive compensation, product, or an affiliate commission on anything you see on this site. This is a personal Website solely reflecting Dr. Ho’s personal opinions. Statements on this site do not represent the views or policies of any organization with which I may be affiliated.

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Top 13 Outdoor Winter Activities For Kids 


Getting out and about in winter may seem challenging due to the chilly days and long dark gloomy evenings. But this should not stop you from having the best time outdoors with your little ones. It’s important to enjoy the outdoors – even in winter – as it’s a great way to strengthen family bonds. Yet research shows that most kids get bored during the winter season, so this post highlights some exciting winter activities for kids to help them overcome boredom in these colder months. 

  • Make a sculpture out of snow 



The conventional thing is sculpting a snowman but what about snow dinosaurs, vehicles, or other things? There are countless options. To create details, use organic and natural objects like sticks, stones, or leaves. To paint the creations, put some diluted food coloring in a spray bottle. If the snow is too fine to sculpt, try using a stick to make images in the snow. This is the finest example of “process art,” so keep this in mind.

  • Tracking 


Early childhood education instills a love of nature and environmental responsibility. Children may learn specific observation techniques by identifying and tracking animal tracks in fallen snow. It also serves as a motivating activity for kids to go outside. Following tracks may be just as thrilling as playing detective or hide-and-seek without the need for any materials. Which animals are active in the wintertime where you live? Take your kids out and find out. What you discover might surprise you. 

  • Watch and observe birds 


You will be astounded at how much may be discovered by observation once you begin bird-watching. Install a bird feeder outside the window. The birds stay around because they have a secure hiding spot in the tree next to the bird feeder. Sunflower seeds may be used to entice brave little chickadees to land on your hand. Take out a few bird books and make a note of every species you observe. You can even invest in some binoculars for the best experience. 

  • Construct an ice catcher 


Create a unique ice catcher; you can begin by gathering twigs, leaves, berries, and acorns outside, then arranging them in a charming design in a shallow, round dish. Any dish will do, but silicon is the best. Put it in the freezer( or, if it is cold outside, on the back step) after adding a piece of thread. After frozen, remove them from the dish with a little assistance from warm water if necessary, hang them outside, and enjoy.

  • Blow beautiful frozen bubbles


While playing with bubbles is enjoyable throughout the year, it may become an especially delightful outdoor leisure when the temperature dips below zero. A wand and some bubble mixture are all you need. If you run out of mixture, you can make some for yourself using one part dishwashing liquid to six parts water. You can use cookie cutters and paper clips as wands. You may add a drop of glycerin to your mixture to get longer-lasting bubbles. 

  • Build a fort 


Constructing a fort, castle, or igloo is an incredibly enjoyable activity that offers endless fun and enjoyment. To build your pattern, use buckets, sand shovels, garden equipment, and even kitchen bread pans. You can also get some practical tools and kits from the market. You can play imaginatively with anything you make. Having a snowball battle or playing Capture the Flags are just a couple of entertaining activities you may engage in. Not a trace of snow yet? Still, you can construct forts out of branches and other natural materials. 

  • Trek or hike across a lovely landscape


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It is common for the scenery to shift with the season. That said, a hike in the wintertime offers a whole different perspective. While at it, look for signs of life, such as creatures skittering over the frozen landscape or snow falling on the trees. Put on spikes or snowshoes for your outdoor expedition if there is enough snow. It’s also important to pick a good location; places like Manassas are ideal for hiking with the kids and enjoying a good time.

  • Take up ice bowling 


To make an ice bowling ball, first, fill a balloon with water and let it freeze for the entire night. As a tip, add food coloring to your water before placing it in your balloon for a pop of color. You can also pour colored water into water bottles to create bowling pins. The bottles can be frozen if you have freezer space, but it is not required. When you are done, arrange them in whatever configuration you choose to create your bowling alley. For optimal rolling outcomes, moisten the bowling lane if it is set up on concrete. 

  • Chalk it up


Any time of year is a good opportunity to play with sidewalk chalk. Ice chalk painting may liven up the gloomy winter days and provide some much-needed color to the dog walkers. Combine half the cornstarch and half the water in a bowl. If necessary, add a little extra water to help blend it. For different colored chalk, add a squeeze of food coloring to each batch. After putting the mixture in molds, freeze it. Once frozen, take them outside to produce your artistic creations. 

  • Organize a treasure hunt


There is never a dull moment on a scavenger hunt. Give your kids a list of objects that include pinecones, leaves, pebbles, twigs, and animal prints. After that, give each of them a basket and instruct them to gather as many objects as possible. Descriptors like “something brown” or smooth can also be added to the list. Add noises (e.g., smelling a pine tree) and sensations (e.g., “feel the snowflake on your face”) that the kids may experience in the winter environment to further interest them. This kind of outdoor play is a great way to get your kids moving while also encouraging their observation and sensory abilities. 

  • Shovel the sidewalk or drive


While some children dislike helping out or performing chores, many children take great pleasure in assisting their parents. Give your child a shovel, and allow them to assist in clearing the path in the driveway or walkway. When kids become older, they might even be able to pay their neighbors a few bucks to clear their walks of snow, so feel free to consider this. 

  •  Make a collage book on nature


An excellent spot to create a nature collage is the winter landscape, even without vibrant springtime blooms. Take your kids on a winter trip into the woods, instructing them to gather any sticks, leaves, or pebbles they would want to include in their collage. Provide them with colored pencils and ask them to sketch a tree or any animals that they come across over the winter. Ask them to note any observations about the items in the photos. Additionally, you can bring a camera to record the locations you visit and any winter-related items the children might have overlooked. Once you are back inside, ask the children to discuss the item that most delighted them and to share their discoveries. 

  • Observe the stars in the evenings


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Take advantage of the longer winter hours by going outside to stargaze. Although there are many great places to go stargazing, you can do this in your backyard on a clear night.  This can be a perfect spot for your little night adventure. 


Spending time outdoors in the winter can be an exciting experience. Hopefully, you’ll consider these activities for the desired experience. 

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Naturally Yours,
Elise Ho
Ph.D., D.N. Psych.
Behavioral & Mental Health Specialist

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About The Author

Dr. Elise Ho

Dr. Elise Ho

Dr. Elise Ho is a Holistic Health & Life Coach with a special interest in emotional health, life alignment, and energy flow.

Elise will partner with you to align your mindset, your energy, your home and your career so that you can live your life's desire with freedom and love.

Elise offers 30 years of experience and multiple certifications and degrees including a Ph.D. in Natural Health and a doctoral degree in Naturopathic Psychology.