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Evaluation by Mother-in-Law


Disclaimer: Elise Ho, aka “Dr. Ho” is a Holistic Health & Life Coach. Dr. Ho is NOT a medical doctor, licensed therapist, lawyer, or a bevy of other things. Products or services that Dr. Ho believes in are the only ones that she recommends. Dr. Ho may receive compensation, product, or an affiliate commission on anything you see on this site. This is a personal Website solely reflecting Dr. Ho’s personal opinions. Statements on this site do not represent the views or policies of any organization with which I may be affiliated.

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Today my mother-in-law and I spent the day running around town. We talked and gathered everything that I need to put on a fabulous Thanksgiving for 30 + people.

Tonight my mother-in-law and I sat for two hours discussing life.

My mother-in-law and I discussed the sibling that she lost. There was one that came before her. The family had no money to pay for her health care and there were no good doctors in their small Chinese village to provide it. Her sibling died at three or four years old.

My mother-in-law and I discussed fortune tellers and their predictions. Predictions that include a marriage at 42 years old, death at 65, and a myriad of other things.

My mother-in-law wanted to know if I believe.

She stated that she keeps the good and throws away the bad.

We discussed the stories of how we met our husbands. I mentioned meeting my hubby when I was 15 years old and she was SHOCKED!!  Oopsy, I guess she did not know or maybe she forgot. Here we are 27 years later and still together so I guess it really does not matter, but it was still very awkward.

My mother-in-law and I sat for two hours. It was some of the most wonderful hours I had spent with her.

At the end of these two hours she summed up my life into a nice, tidy package. I work too hard, I study too hard and I am too tired.

I think that is pretty good praise coming from a mother-in-law.

P.S. I totally forgot to pick up the Thanksgiving treats that I ordered for the hubby’s office.  I am in too many directions and I need my to do list.

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Naturally Yours,
Elise Ho
Ph.D., D.N. Psych.
Behavioral & Mental Health Specialist

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About The Author

Dr. Elise Ho

Dr. Elise Ho

Dr. Elise Ho is a Holistic Health & Life Coach with a special interest in emotional health, life alignment, and energy flow.

Elise will partner with you to align your mindset, your energy, your home and your career so that you can live your life's desire with freedom and love.

Elise offers 30 years of experience and multiple certifications and degrees including a Ph.D. in Natural Health and a doctoral degree in Naturopathic Psychology.