How to Ask for Mental Health Support
One of the most difficult things about dealing with mental health struggles is reaching out and getting the help you need. There is help out there and it’s best to make the most of it when it comes to anything relating to mental health. But what can you do to get help when you’re not sure what to do or where to turn?
Open Up to Those Around You
First of all, you might want to think about how you can talk to the people who you’re closest to about what you’re feeling. We all go through tough times and it’s easy to feel lonely with those feelings. But the people who love you will be more than willing to listen and support you if they know that’s what you need. But if you don’t talk to them about it, they won’t know.
Practice Mindfulness
Being mindful and trying to live in the moment is something you can do to help yourself with your mental wellbeing and mental health. This is something that you can do alongside the other things we’re going to talk about today. Seeking help when you need it and doing sensible things to improve your mental wellbeing yourself can go hand in hand.
Talk to Your GP
If you’re not sure who to talk to or contact about the problems you’re having, heading to your general practitioner or family doctor is usually a good place to start. Even if they’re not specialized in mental health issues themselves, they’ll be able to refer you to a doctor who is. That’s how you get the ball rolling on finding the help and support you need.
Research the Range of New Treatment Options Out There
There are so many different ways in which you can treat mental health problems these days, from talking therapies of various kinds to ketamine therapy; there’s no shortage of options to explore. So even if you’ve received treatments in the past, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t any other options to consider. Do some research because there are plenty of options you haven’t yet tried.
Know That You’re Not Alone
The most important thing you can do here is remember that you’re not alone in all this, even if it can feel a little lonely at times. It’s up to you to find the help that works for you. Always keep in mind the fact that you don’t have to go through any of this alone.
There are many things that you can do to get more mental health support. It may feel hard but you are worth the effort. Ask your friends or your family. Ask me. Call a hotline. We all want to help.
For More Mental Health Support

30 thoughts on “How To Ask for Mental Health Support”
Asking for mental health support is not easy. Even opening up with our friends and family is hard but we need it. From experience, I was terrified to open up to my family because they might not understand me. Until I did and It was so much relief. So, I am passionate about this topic. Don’t be scared to open up with the people around you.
Opening up to those dear to us is often the hardest of all. We far rejection, ridicule, or something else. Thank you for sharing your experience.
Practicing mindfulness is such a big help. There are several good apps to help to practice meditation.
Meditation is very helpful and it takes practice. Adapt meditation to your needs at the moment. Remember, there’s no right way or wrong way to meditate. What matters is that meditation helps you reduce your stress and feel better overall.
Thank you for this! It’s really not easy for those suffering mental health problems to ask for help, so I think being more open about this topic is such a huge help.
The more open we are about our own struggles the more comfortable others will feel in being open about their struggles.
One positive thing from covid is that is has opened up tele-doc options. A lot of people struggling with mental illness don’t want to leave their homes but now they can stay in their safe place and still get help.
Yes, and it also made people who were uncomfortable with tele-health try it anyway.
To be honest it’s my first time to hear mental health support. For me, while reading this post, I may say that this is very essential information that everybody must know. Especially nowadays that we’re in a desperate time that is full of anxiety and uncertainty.
You have learned something new today and that is always a good day.
I think it starts with close friends and family. We need to tell them or reach out to them. Then maybe with your preferred counselor.
Allow the people in your life to lend a helping hand. You do not have to do everything yourself. If you ask for help, and are specific about what you need, you may be pleasantly surprised when you realize how much help is available.
This is so important! I feel like its still taboo which it shouldnt be!
It is very unfortunate that it is still taboo.
Opening up and knowing you’re not alone is so important. Mental health is essential, and so many folks struggle alone!
When already feeling down and then feeling like you are alone with nio support it can feel like a hole that is impossible to crawl out of.
Those are some great points to keep in mind and taking care of one’s mental illness is important, it’s good to know when to ask for help also.
When we care for our mental health the same way we care for our physical health we can do all sorts of great things.
Thanks for this! I’m a mental health advocate myself and i really relate to people who find it hard to reach out for help. I just started doing therapy and i can say that i feel like it’s helping me slowly resolve some issues i have
Therapy is helping you to dig deep and find some peace and you want to help others to do the same. The world needs more people like you.
I agree with you. It’s so necessary to ask for support when we are suffering from any mental pain
It is also one of the hardest things to do.
Thanks for sharing. There are probably more mental health disorders today than ever before. Just do not google your symptoms. Talk to a professional. To a couple of them. Ask for a second opinion always.
Dr. Google is not a good way to diagnose disease or anything else. Only go to sources that you fully trust.
These are some good tips. I also had to ask for help and it made all the difference.
When we have the support we need it isn’t quite as scary to work through our issues.
Great tips! These are important for so many people to hear, especially right now.
Mental Health is so very important and folks need to be comfortable asking for the help that they need.
This is such a relevant topic right now, especially since the pandemic. So many people are struggling with mental illness. Knowing how to ask for help is really difficult but is the best place to start.
Knowing how to ask for help, being comfortable enough to ask and then accepting the help are each very difficult in their own way.