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Tackle These Mental Health Drains Today

Tackle These Mental Health Drains Today

Disclaimer: Elise Ho, aka “Dr. Ho” is a Holistic Health & Life Coach. Dr. Ho is NOT a medical doctor, licensed therapist, lawyer, or a bevy of other things. Products or services that Dr. Ho believes in are the only ones that she recommends. Dr. Ho may receive compensation, product, or an affiliate commission on anything you see on this site. This is a personal Website solely reflecting Dr. Ho’s personal opinions. Statements on this site do not represent the views or policies of any organization with which I may be affiliated.

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Difficulties with mental health drains you.


Mental health is a tricky topic. There is so much encompassed under this term, and that can make it even more difficult to talk about. The topic that we’re going to be focusing on specifically in this article is mental health drains and how you can take action against them. If you would like to find out more about how to tackle some of the common mental health drains, keep reading down below to find out more.


Confidence Concerns


One of the most common causes of mental health problems is issues with confidence. It’s not easy to love yourself in a society that is constantly telling you how you should look and feel, what to wear and so on. It’s a tough world to live in despite what anyone says, but there are some things that you can do to tackle the confidence issue. But, before you can take any action, you have got to find the pain point. What is the thing that causes you the most problems with confidence? For some people it’s their weight, for some people it’s their skin, and it’s important to know before you move forward.


Once you have identified the issue, you can start tackling the problem. If it is your skin, then you need to look into skin care products. For example, you can check out something like the iconic / tinted moisturisers which are fantastic for keeping your skin healthy.  


Toxic People 


Are you surrounded by toxic people? Do they make you feel bad about yourself? Are they always making comments about things that you are insecure about? Do they ever hype you up and give you the confidence boost that you need? These are some questions that you need to seriously consider, as toxic people are a massive danger to your mental health. They often hide in plain sight, with their comments being said in such a way that you wonder if they are being mean or just telling the truth. 


You do not deserve to be surrounded by toxic people, you deserve to be surrounded by love and positivity. Cut those toxic people out, and we’re sure that you’re going to feel much better.




Finally, the silent killer – stress. Stress is one of those things that we view as normal, but it takes a huge toll on us. You should not be constantly overwhelmed and stressed in life, but if you are then you need to take a break. We understand that a lot of people feel as though they can’t take breaks as they have so much to do, but you can and you need to before you burn out.


These are just some of the common mental health drains and how you can go about tackling them. It’s important that you are keeping your eye on your mental health as much as you can, attempting to take preemptive measures if you notice that things are starting to slip. We wish you the very best of luck, and hope that you manage to tackle these problems with the least amount of difficulty.

Substance Dependence


It’s increasingly common for people to develop substance dependence issues. Often, these problems start small and the sufferer might not even notice that they have developed a dependence. However, if left unchecked, a dependency can develop into an addiction, which can harm your physical and mental health. If someone has other mental health problems, such as depression, then this can lead to a vicious circle.

There is a stigma attached to addiction and substance dependence which can make it difficult to seek help. Friends and family might notice a problem before the sufferer does. The good news is that it is possible to find help. Minor issues might be able to be handled with the support of loved ones, but it’s important to seek addiction counseling and targeted care. 

If you are concerned about a loved one, then there could be other resources available in your local area. For example, the Marchman Act helps friends and family to stage interventions for sufferers. 


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Naturally Yours,
Elise Ho
Ph.D., D.N. Psych.
Behavioral & Mental Health Specialist

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About The Author

Dr. Elise Ho

Dr. Elise Ho

Dr. Elise Ho is a Holistic Health & Life Coach with a special interest in emotional health, life alignment, and energy flow.

Elise will partner with you to align your mindset, your energy, your home and your career so that you can live your life's desire with freedom and love.

Elise offers 30 years of experience and multiple certifications and degrees including a Ph.D. in Natural Health and a doctoral degree in Naturopathic Psychology.