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Increase Productivity AND Improve Your Stress Management

Disclaimer: Elise Ho, aka “Dr. Ho” is a Holistic Health & Life Coach. Dr. Ho is NOT a medical doctor, licensed therapist, lawyer, or a bevy of other things. Products or services that Dr. Ho believes in are the only ones that she recommends. Dr. Ho may receive compensation, product, or an affiliate commission on anything you see on this site. This is a personal Website solely reflecting Dr. Ho’s personal opinions. Statements on this site do not represent the views or policies of any organization with which I may be affiliated.

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Increase Productivity AND Improve Your Stress Management


Prolonged stress can cause all sorts of other health problems such as raised blood pressure, insomnia, and mental health problems. People often try to manage stress with things like exercise, biofeedback therapy, and changes in diet. 

90% of doctor visits are for symptoms that are at least partially stress-related!

You can increase productivity and improve your stress management while slowing down.

It is possible to achieve more, love more, and be more.

So many of the people who overschedule themselves are actually adrenaline junkies. These are people who thrive on drama and crisis.


Think in terms of people who clean their house, pack their suitcases, and do hours of work all in the morning that they are leaving on a trip.

They had the whole week but they waited and they enjoy that rush of excitement.

Other examples include:

  • Crisis: People who always seem to have a crisis going in their life (real or overblown)
  • Trouble: People who surround themselves with troubled souls who constantly need their help.
  • Frantic: People who are always rushing, with a packed schedule—and if things begin to slow down, they take on more.
  • Dramatic: People who regularly have dramatic conflicts in their lives, explode with anger and otherwise cause unnecessary ‘drama’.
  • Rushed: People who wait until the last minute to begin a project, scramble to get it done and thrive on the whole process.


So many of the people who overschedule themselves are actually adrenaline junkies. These are people who thrive on drama and crisis.



Conducting life in this way releases cortisol, the stress hormone. During this reaction, certain hormones like adrenaline and cortisol are released, speeding the heart rate, slowing digestion, shunting blood flow to major muscle groups, and changing various other autonomic nervous functions, giving the body a burst of energy and strength.

The autonomic nervous system is then overactivated, which may cause serious health problems to develop such as:

  • depression
  • diabetes
  • hair loss
  • heart disease
  • hyperthyroidism
  • obesity
  • obsessive-compulsive or anxiety disorder
  • sexual dysfunction
  • tooth and gum disease
  • ulcers

90% of doctor visits are for symptoms that are at least partially stress-related!


So how do we increase productivity and improve stress management?


Learn the art of saying “no.”

Saying "no" is just saying "yes" with boundaries. https://askdrho.com/?p=3275
Saying “no” is just saying “yes” with boundaries.


Say “no” to the PTA,  to scouts, and to work or personal social functions that are not going to truly nourish you and your goals.

Do not get down on yourself and think that you must do all and be all.

It is okay to realize that you cannot do everything. It is actually SMART to acknowledge that you do have limitations!

If you feel guilty or like saying no makes you a lesser being in some way, then really look at your self-talk and speak to yourself as if you are your best friend, because you ARE your best friend.



It is when you honor yourself and your needs that you will become the most productive.

Are you ready to increase productivity?

Tell me about the goals you are working on by commenting below.


Naturally Yours,

Elise Ho, Ph.D., D.N.Psy


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Naturally Yours,
Elise Ho
Ph.D., D.N. Psych.
Behavioral & Mental Health Specialist

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11 thoughts on “Increase Productivity AND Improve Your Stress Management”

  1. Pingback: 8 Health Tips For The Work At Home Entrepreneur - PAC

  2. Ooops, Guilty as charged – I recognise myself in so many of these traits.

    Going on holiday first thing in the morning? I work until 3am to “finish a few things” and THEN start packing LOL!

    It was the way I was brought up, you know. The whole family are / were like that and NOT to be like that was to be lazy and we’d be scolded for it 🙂

    OK, some positives…. I am learning to say No, I have also started to take some time out for myself without feeling TOO guilty.

    Work in progress….

    Joy – Blogging After Dark (The strapline says it all!)

    1. Recognizing ourselves and the things we do that do not completely support our goals is a tremedous step in the right direction. I will also add that we are ALL a work in progress. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

  3. Ugh I am so bad about this! I certainly don’t wait till the last minute to pack. I’m too type-a for that. But I take on way too many responsibilities. I’ve been learning to say no. But it’s hard!

    1. It is hard. That is why it takes practice. Even when we say “no” we tend to give too much explanation as to why we said no. It oersonally helped me when I thought of it more in terms of “a yes with boundaries.”

  4. Second time this week I’ve seen mention of cortisol… thanks goodness someone is talking about it. Time to be more aware of how our bodies react to triggers AND create triggers that affect our health, and thus, productivity!

  5. Joan M Harrington

    Hi Elise,
    Loved this post! It is all about just saying “NO” and to focus on what is really important!
    Focus plays a HUGE part in increasing productivity!

    Thanks for sharing your valuable tips 🙂

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About The Author

Dr. Elise Ho

Dr. Elise Ho

Dr. Elise Ho is a Holistic Health & Life Coach with a special interest in emotional health, life alignment, and energy flow.

Elise will partner with you to align your mindset, your energy, your home and your career so that you can live your life's desire with freedom and love.

Elise offers 30 years of experience and multiple certifications and degrees including a Ph.D. in Natural Health and a doctoral degree in Naturopathic Psychology.