How You Can Make The Impossible Possible … a Chanukah post.
Do you believe that the impossible is possible? Maybe you believe all things are possible. Perhaps, though, you really do buy into the whole concept of impossibility.
When my children were toddlers we were watching a Chanukah video. It was not a very good video. I do not even remember the name of it, yet it has stuck with me. One of the songs had a most wonderful line:
“Miracles don’t just happen, they need people to help them along!”
I loved this message of people helping miracles to happen. I will not go deeply into the religious aspects of Judaism and the belief in Chanukah, other than to say that the Festival of Lights celebrates the reclaiming of the temple. During that time there was only enough oil for the menorah to burn for one night, yet it burned for eight.
This is the miracle that those following the Jewish religion celebrate at this time of year. Perhaps you believe in this, or perhaps you believe in other miracles. They are all around us. But, they do need people to help them along. After all, someone had to light the menorah each day despite the seeming impossibility of the task.
Impossible is defined by Merriam -Webster as “incapable of being or of occurring.” This would mean you believe the impossible can never occur. What a sad state of affairs that would be. You would never push beyond your limits, because it would never occur to you that a limit, like one day’s worth of oil, could be simply a concept, not an absolute reality. You would believe the impossible is impossible!
But, wait!
Look a little deeper…. Merriam -Webster goes on. There is a second definition of “impossible” and this definition I like much better.
adjective ( )im-ˈpä-sə-bəl:
felt to be incapable of being done, attained, or fulfilled: insuperably difficult.
FELT to be incapable.
Yes, I am shouting that lovely word very much on purpose. It is all just a concept, a limitation we put on ourselves. A perception that something is impossible will make it impossible.
If you change the perception, then all of a sudden the miracle happens! What once seemed impossible is possible.
So how do you change your perception? How do you make the impossible possible?
- Do not get stuck on what has happened to you but rather look for the lesson, and use the lesson to your advantage.
- Learn what is standing in your way. Find the resources to help you to work through those obstacles.
- Surround yourself with people who help you to be the best version of you that you can possibly be.
- Be thankful for what you have and consider your future with appreciation.
- Think about what you can offer to the world.
- Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, The Father of Motivation, tells us,
“Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change.”
15 thoughts on “How You Can Make The Impossible Possible”
This is the very informative post, I love to read more about this.
I appreciate your effort.
Hi Dr. Elise,
Your assertions in this post are nothing but the truth. Most of the times, some things became impossible for us because we believe they are not possible. Henry ford said, “think you can, think you can’t, either way you are right.” If we fail to believe in the possibility of a thing, it may never be possible and verse versae. The way to make the impossible to be possible is to first believe they are possible, and take action based on that believe.
Thanks for sharing.
Yes, absolutely. Thank you so much for reading and commenting.
Hi Dr. Elise,
By nature, I’m a skeptic. Yet, I’ve always found the following quote attributed to Albert Einstein as a reason to believe in the impossible: “There are two ways to live: You can live as if nothing is a miracle; You can live as if everything is a miracle.”
Good post, thank you,
Great quote. I choose to make my miracles 🙂
Great post – we hear new stories of people achieving “impossible” feats of strength because the motivation was high enough. In the UK I have seen reports of Mums lifting cars to free trapped children – and even a little boy found super-human strength to free his trapped twin.
Joy – Blogging After Dark
That is truly incredible. You can find some amazing super strengths when motivation is high.
I think anything is possible with the right mindset. If you can believe it you can achieve it.
I agree completely.
Love this – particularly that the word “felt” appears in the definition. Feeling, I think, is such a key part of creating our reality. If we feel we can or can’t – well, then that’s true for us. Your tips to make the ‘impossible’ possible are awesome too!
Yes, exactly. This is where the whole concept of self fulfilling prophecy comes out of of. If we think we can or think we cannot we are right. Thank you for your comments.
This is powerful. I understand it though. I am my own worst enemy and sometimes I make my goals impossible to reach for myself. Though I have been trying to break out of the cycle. I started my own website as a passion hobby, but I feel like it is becoming quite successful. In 2 months I have gained over 550 subscribers, reviewed I believe 40+ books, and have almost 150+ Facebook followers, 70+ instagram followers, and my other social media isn’t as impressive, but to me with only running this site for 2 months, it is exciting. I have big plans for the site and plans to expand.
Stacie, that is wonderful. I am so pleased to hear that you have begun your passion project. You should definitely be proud of all of the growth you have already seen. Congratulations.
Perfect message! On Saturday I ran 50 miles. Before the race, I thought it would be impossible, but during I realized that if I just kept moving and staying smart (meaning go slow!!!) I could make it 100% possible! Love your message here!
I am super impressed. That is no small accomplishment.