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The Hidden Sugar That Is Hurting Your Health

Disclaimer: Elise Ho, aka “Dr. Ho” is a Holistic Health & Life Coach. Dr. Ho is NOT a medical doctor, licensed therapist, lawyer, or a bevy of other things. Products or services that Dr. Ho believes in are the only ones that she recommends. Dr. Ho may receive compensation, product, or an affiliate commission on anything you see on this site. This is a personal Website solely reflecting Dr. Ho’s personal opinions. Statements on this site do not represent the views or policies of any organization with which I may be affiliated.

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The Hidden Sugar That Is Hurting Your Health


Making yourself aware of hidden sugar is a great step towards your health goals.


Many nutritious and sweet-tasting foods have natural sugar. Milk products and fruit, for example, bring you vitamins, minerals, and fiber along with natural sweetness.

Added sugars, on the other hand, just add calories.

Plus sugar is one of the most addictive substances, suppresses your immune system, and leaves you susceptible to many diseases.

Marcia Pelchat, PhD, a scientist at the Monell Chemical Senses Center, tells us that sugar taps into a powerful human preference for sweet taste. Sugar is noteworthy as a substance that releases opioids and dopamine and thus can be quite addictive.

However, artificial sweeteners aren’t the answer either.

Artificial Sweeteners can cause weight gain and sabotage your diet if you are not careful.


So what do we do?


The Hidden Sugar That Is Hurting Your Health


Americans consume an average of 88 grams or 22 teaspoons of added sugars each day.


That’s an increase of 20% over the past 3 decades!


The American Heart Association now recommends that women consume no more than 6 teaspoons of added sugar per day. Additionally, they state that men consume no more than 9.


It can be hard to distinguish between added sugars and natural sugars when reading food labels.


However, you can recognize added sugars by reading the ingredient list. Additionally, knowing the many names that sugar goes by will be of much help.

The Sugar List


  1. Agave nectar and syrup (Often with High Fructose Corn Syrup – a.k.a. HFCS)
  2. All-natural evaporated cane juice
  3. Amasake
  4. Amber liquid
  5. Anhydrous dextrose
  6. Apple butter and syrup
  7. Arenga
  8. Bakers special
  9. Barbados
  10. Barley malt and malt syrup
  11. Bar
  12. Beet molasses, crystals and syrup
  13. Berry
  14. Blackstrap molasses
  15. Blonde coconut
  16. Brown rice syrup
  17. Brown sugar
  18. Buttered syrup
  19. Candy floss
  20. Cane, crystals, juice, juice crystals, and juice powder
  21. Caramel
  22. Carob syrup
  23. Caster
  24. Castor
  25. Cellobiose
  26. Chicory (HFCS)
  27. Coarse sugar
  28. Coconut, palm, sap, syrup and sugar sugar
  29. Coco sugar and sap sugar
  30. Concentrate juice (Often with HFCS)
  31. Concord grape juice concentrate
  32. Confectioner’s
  33. Corn sugar, syrup, syrup solids, and sweetener (HFCS)
  34. Cornsweet 90 ® (really HFCS 90)
  35. Creamed honey (Often with HFCS)
  36. Crystal dextrose, Crystalline fructose, and Crystallized organic cane juice
  37. D-arabino-hexulose
  38. Dark molasses
  39. Demerara
  40. Dextrin
  41. Dextran
  42. Dextrose
  43. D-fructose
  44. D-fructofuranose
  45. Diastatic malt
  46. Diatase
  47. Disaccharide
  48. Dixie crystals
  49. D-mannose
  50. Dried evaporated organic cane juice
  51. D-xylose
  52. ECJ
  53. Evaporated organic cane juice
  54. Evaporated corn sweetener (HFCS)
  55. Ethyl maltol
  56. First molasses
  57. Florida Crystals
  58. Free Flowing
  59. Fructamyl
  60. Fructose, Fructose crystals and Fructose sweetener (HFCS)
  61. Fruit fructose, Fruit juice, Fruit juice concentrate, and Fruit syrup (Often with HFCS)
  62. Galactose
  63. Glucodry
  64. Glucomalt
  65. Glucoplus
  66. Glucose, Glucose Solids, Gluctose fructose, and Glucose-fructose syrup (HFCS)
  67. Glucosweet
  68. Golden molasses and Golden syrup
  69. Gomme syrup
  70. Granulated fructose and Granulated sugar cane juice
  71. Grape juice concentrate
  72. Gur
  73. Hat
  74. High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) and High Fructose Maize Syrup (HFCS)
  75. HFCS 42 and HFCS 55
  76. High dextrose glucose syrup
  77. High maltose corn syrup (Often with HFCS)
  78. Hydrogenated starch and Hydrogenated starch hydrosylate
  79. Hydrolyzed corn starch
  80. Honey, Honeycomb and Honey powder
  81. HSH
  82. Icing
  83. Inulin (HFCS)
  84. Invert Syrup
  85. Isoglucose (HFCS)
  86. Isomalt
  87. Isomaltotriose
  88. Isosweet
  89. Jaggery
  90. Jaggery powder
  91. Lactitol
  92. Lactose
  93. Levulose
  94. Lesys
  95. Light molasses
  96. Liquid dextrose, Liquid fructose, and Liquid fructose syrup (Often with HFCS)
  97. Liquid honey, Liquid maltodextrin, and Liquid sucrose
  98. Maldex
  99. Maldexel
  100. Malt
  101. Malted barley, Malted barley syrup, and Malted corn syrup
  102. Maltitol and Maltitol syrup
  103. Malitsorb and Maltisweet
  104. Maltodextrin
  105. Maltose
  106. Maltotriitol
  107. Maltotriose
  108. Maltotriulose
  109. Malt syrup
  110. Mannitol
  111. Maple Syrup
  112. Meritose
  113. Meritab 700
  114. Misri
  115. Mizuame
  116. Molasses
  117. Monosaccharide
  118. Mycose
  119. Mylose
  120. Nigerotriose
  121. Oligosaccharride
  122. Sucanat
  123. Orgeat syrup
  124. Palm syrup
  125. Panela
  126. Pancake syrup
  127. Panocha
  128. Piloncillo
  129. Potato maltodextrine
  130. Promitor
  131. Pure cane syrup
  132. Raisin syrup
  133. Rapadura
  134. Raw agave syrup
  135. Raffinose
  136. Refiner’s syrup
  137. Rice maltodextrine
  138. Rice Syrup and Rice syrup solids
  139. Raw honey
  140. Saccharose
  141. Second molasses
  142. Shakar
  143. Simple syrup
  144. Sirodex
  145. Soluble corn fiber
  146. Sorbitol and Sorbitol syrup
  147. Sorghum, Sorghum molasses and Sorghum syrup
  148. Sucanat
  149. Sucre de canne naturel
  150. Sucrose
  151. Sucrosweet
  152. Sulfured molasses
  153. Sweetened condensed milk
  154. Sweet sorghum syrup
  155. Tagatose
  156. Treacle
  157. Trehalose
  158. Tremalose
  159. Trimoline
  160. Triose
  161. Trisaccharides
  162. Turbinado
  163. Unsulphured molasses
  164. White, White crystal, and White refined
  165. White grape juice concentrate
  166. Xylose

If sugar or any of the above ingredients are listed as one of the first three ingredients in a food item, the food is HIGH in sugar!

Here’s the bottom line: 


Stop confusing your body. If you have a desire for something sweet have a little sugar. However, try to stay away from “fake” foods.


Eating a whole-food diet that has a low-glycemic load and is rich in phytonutrients is the best. Additionally, indulging in a few real sweet treats once in a while is the best option for almost everyone.


Please share your thoughts below.


To Your Health,

Elise Ho, Ph.D., D.N.Psy


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Naturally Yours,
Elise Ho
Ph.D., D.N. Psych.
Behavioral & Mental Health Specialist

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About The Author

Dr. Elise Ho

Dr. Elise Ho

Dr. Elise Ho is a Holistic Health & Life Coach with a special interest in emotional health, life alignment, and energy flow.

Elise will partner with you to align your mindset, your energy, your home and your career so that you can live your life's desire with freedom and love.

Elise offers 30 years of experience and multiple certifications and degrees including a Ph.D. in Natural Health and a doctoral degree in Naturopathic Psychology.