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Putting The Fun back in DysFUNctional

Disclaimer: Elise Ho, aka “Dr. Ho” is a Holistic Health & Life Coach. Dr. Ho is NOT a medical doctor, licensed therapist, lawyer, or a bevy of other things. Products or services that Dr. Ho believes in are the only ones that she recommends. Dr. Ho may receive compensation, product, or an affiliate commission on anything you see on this site. This is a personal Website solely reflecting Dr. Ho’s personal opinions. Statements on this site do not represent the views or policies of any organization with which I may be affiliated.

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This Thanksgiving we will concentrate on Putting The Fun back in DysFUNctional.

Thanksgiving started early as we got ourselves out of bed to prepare the feast.

We cooked seven turkeys in all and have another two planned for Friday.

Apparently the party favor this year is a fried Turkey to take home.  

Seriously, we knew that we would still have good, clean oil after deep frying the three turkeys that we would need to feed our lovely guests. With this information, we invited our guests to bring turkey’s of their own.

Our plan would be to fry each of these and send them home so that they really have some great leftovers to enjoy.

I do not know if this was a great idea as it caused a lot of work for my hubby but boy were our guests happy with their “party favor”.

We had 34 guests this year, down from our numbers in some years but definitely up from other years.

In all there were ten kids, six grandparents and 18 other wonderful people.

I remember when we first moved to California our first Thanksgiving was just four of  us.

It stayed that way until I started to give birth to more Thanksgiving guests.

Then from there we expanded further as more and more of our family started to follow us to California. The relatives came from New Jersey, New York and Curacao. Cousins, more cousins, nieces, nephews, a sister, a brother-in-law and an Aunt were all added to the mix.

Our Thanksgiving festivities are completed with good friends, friends of friends, relatives of friends, friends of relatives, relatives of relatives and a whole bunch of egos.

To this end, it was interesting to watch all of the personalities mix together. It was interesting to listen to the interactions of different groups of people. It was interesting that some members of our party wanted to “stir the pot” to see if they could get something going.

We definitely put the “fun” back into dysFUNctional.

As one of my closest friends said, “It wouldn’t be Thanksgiving without some really good dysfunction.”

I am thankful for the love that people bring into our lives.  Happy Thanksgiving !

What was your Thanksgiving experience? Did  it include dysfunction?

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Naturally Yours,
Elise Ho
Ph.D., D.N. Psych.
Behavioral & Mental Health Specialist

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7 thoughts on “Putting The Fun back in DysFUNctional”

  1. What a unique idea……my husband would love this! He enjoys any opportunity to bring out our deep fryer – LOL! I always stuff the turkey, but we always talk about frying one.

    What a great memory :). Thank you for sharing!

    And thanks again for stopping by #Thoughtfullthursday :). I appreciate it!

  2. This was a FUN read but I can’t get my head around the fact you cooked that many turkeys!! Sounds like a great day was had by all. Thanks for sharing with us at the Blogger’s Pit Stop.

  3. Pingback: Blogger Pit Stop 102 - Ask Dr. Ho

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About The Author

Dr. Elise Ho

Dr. Elise Ho

Dr. Elise Ho is a Holistic Health & Life Coach with a special interest in emotional health, life alignment, and energy flow.

Elise will partner with you to align your mindset, your energy, your home and your career so that you can live your life's desire with freedom and love.

Elise offers 30 years of experience and multiple certifications and degrees including a Ph.D. in Natural Health and a doctoral degree in Naturopathic Psychology.