Practical Ways to Improve Your Mental Health and Become Your Best Self
Mental illness is a silent epidemic that’s not getting as much publicity as it deserves. Sure, the government has set up agencies and there are many nonprofits promoting and fighting for the cause. Yet, for something that affects over 50 million American adults –that’s more than 20 percent of the population, it should get a lot more attention.
Unfortunately, that’s not the case. Many individuals dealing with mental health issues are often just given a prescription for specific pills and sent on their way. Sadly, this has contributed to a rise in opioid and other addictions that are further plaguing our country.
Many individuals are talking about the mental hardships that they went through at the height of the lockdown, including children. In fact, there’s a subtle shift in perspective regarding the state of things in the world. Many are now unsure of the certainty of things.
The fact that it took just one pandemic to threaten the very existence of humanity has shaken many. While all these can be somewhat overwhelming, the good news is all is not lost. You may not be able to do anything about the world out there. However, you can do something about your state of mind. In this post, you’ll learn coping mechanisms, strategies and Practical Ways to Improve Your Mental Health.
Develop an Attitude of Gratitude
It may look bleak right now, but the truth is you’ve got something to be grateful for. There’s one thing in your life that’s working. How about you focus on that for now. Every morning and evening, think about this and express some gratitude for it.
Sometimes, people are depressed because they feel that nothing is going well in their lives. Please note that this type of depression is different from clinical depression. That monster is a chemical issue, and medications have been known to ease the symptoms.
Depression that is brought on by feelings of lack, scarcity, worry, anxiety, failure, and sorrow can be easily rectified by a simple mind shift. So, if you’re willing, how about you try just being grateful for what’s working in your life over the next week.
If you find yourself falling into familiar negative patterns of self-criticism and derision, stop yourself and talk about the good things in your life. Start journaling and just writing about the good stuff.
And whenever you’re feeling down, pick up the journal and remember that what you wrote there is true. With time, you will find that your mood will lift and you’ll feel much better.
Eat Brain Enhancing Foods
You probably don’t know this, but your foods may be affecting your mental health. Studies have shown that foods that are high in refined sugar can affect your brain function, and affect your moods. Some of these foods have been linked to depression.
Consider this for a moment: isn’t it weird that the number of people who were suffering from depression drastically increased when fast foods became a staple? Just think about that for a minute.
According to Northwest Primary Care, you can improve your mental health and lower your risk of depression by as much as 35 percent if you just ate healthily. So, maybe there’s some truth to the speculation that junk food and high-sugar diets might just be a contributory factor to your mental health.
Cut out the junk food, soda, or any drink with high fructose corn syrup, and eat more natural foods.
Another idea is to take a supplement for depression that will also enhance your mood by addressing the imbalance of the neurotransmitters, norepinephrine, and dopamine in your brain. You may find that you gain more emotional stability and feel great when you have the right balance of chemicals present. It’s likely you’ll also have better control over your stress and anger and be able to better focus after taking these supplements.
Since 90 percent of the serotonin in your body is made in the gut, it makes sense that if you’re able to give the gut the necessary ingredients to produce serotonin, your moods might become better and you just might be less depressed.
Get Moving
This might sound like generic advice but too many people spend too much time sitting or lying down. Humans were not created to be sedentary. You’re more likely to become sad, gloomy, give in to mental torture, or become depressed if you spend too much time sitting on your behind.
Studies have shown that when we sit for too long, the body starts mimicking the state of death. Everything, including your bodily processes, starts to slow down.
This is why you’ll notice that you tend to feel dull, tired, lethargic, and “down” when you’ve been sitting or lying down for too long. In fact, sitting for too long is now the new smoking.
This is why you need to start doing more physical activities. If you haven’t been exercising, start with something as simple as walking for 20-30 minutes a day. You’ll find that doing this provides the immediate benefit of an improved sense of well-being.
This is because of the dopamine and endorphins that flood your body when you exercise. Once you get comfortable with walking, graduate to doing more intense exercises. People who work out frequently tend to cope better with mental health issues than those who don’t.
Share Your Pain
The increased awareness of mental health issues has led to a huge outpouring online. People are telling their stories and are finding healing from being open about their issues.
Share on social media and use the hashtag #mentalillnessfeelslike and others like it. This helps people to learn and become more hopeful. Click To TweetIf there’s one thing this openness and transparency has brought, it’s that the feeling of taboo surrounding the topic of mental health has been lifted. Also, it’s helped people who are going through this realize that they are not alone; that there’s hope and they can actually get the help they need.
In fact, some people whose mental illnesses were caused by terrible domestic abuse situations have gotten the help they needed from family law lawyers, healthcare organizations, and even law enforcement agents who got them out of the situation so they could start healing and living again. So you can try this form of therapy.
The good thing is it can be anonymous. Thanks to platforms like Twitter, you can tell your story and unburden yourself to the world, without really revealing your identity. The outpouring of love from well-wishers on these platforms has helped many recover, start their healing process, and actually stay on track.
If you’re struggling with mental health issues, don’t fret, and don’t be ashamed. Help is available if you’re willing to just take one step.
Get Treatment That Works
There are all kinds of websites promising to help you deal with mental health issues and move forward with your life. But if all these techniques worked, then we would be collectively much further ahead in our mental challenges than we are today.
The trick here is to find therapies that really work. For instance, you could read an EMDR blog and see whether desensitization treatment is right for you. Or you could look at your diet to see whether your consumption of pro-inflammatory foods is too high and causing mood issues.
For More Tips On Protecting Your Mental Health

62 thoughts on “Practical Ways to Improve Your Mental Health”
Sharing pain with anonymous social media accounts seems as interesting idea to improve mental health
Sharing our burden can help.
These are such helpful tips…Being grateful and eating healthy are so important and often overlooked. Thanks for sharing!
You are so welcome. Gratefulness nourishes are hard while eating mindfully nourishes our body.
This is indeed a great read. I will definitely take note of eating healthy and brain enhancing foods!
I shall look forward to hearing your feedback on how it all worked out.
The attitude of Gratitude is something I like to remind myself every day. Those are some wonderful points to keep in mind and it’s important to take care of our mental health.
Being grateful is sometimes very easy but sometimes not so much. Sometimes we just need to remind ourselves.
Fabulous advice here! I love seeing how other people work to improve their mental health. Everyones different and what works from one may not work for others.
There are great tips and ideas that we can get from the experiences of others.
Apart from social media detox, developing an attitude of gratitude, is a must! It can be very helpful in removing stress and negative vibes!
A social media detox can help with controlling the comparison impulse that social media bring up for some people.
There really is a lot to be grateful for… I love the tip to move! If I get outside it helps and if I’m outside and moving, it’s a tremendous boost to my mental health. There’s just something about being out in nature, if even for a little while..
Nature is a beautiful healer.
This is a fab post and you have provided some really good ideas on how to keep on top of metal health and feel good – thank you so much xx
You are very welcome. Be sure to feel good. 🙂
That’s a useful write up for almost everyone. Great tips and ideas to be positive.
Positivity is good to find whenever and wherever you can.
So many wonderful tips! And I love that you’ve encouraged us to share our pain and seek help and support when we need it. That is truly so important and helpful. Somethings there’s nothing better than an ear and a shoulder. Thank you for sharing this with us!
Seeking help is one of the strongest things that a person can do.
This was definitely something I needed today! Thank you so much for sharing! There is definitely not enough mental help for people!
It is wonderful when things find us at just the right time.
Great tips! It is so important to have good mental health most especially today that there’s a lot of bad things happening in this world brought about by the pandemic.
The pandemic has certainly had quite an effect on the mental health of many.
It is important that you care for your mental health, and most especially in the midst of an ongoing pandemic. It was difficult when the pandemic just started, it was so difficult at home, too.
The pandemic made everything very difficult. Households changed, work changed and many other things changed.
We should always prioritize our mental health. It is something i give importance too and these are really helpful tips to improve our mental health
Putting a high degree of focus and importance on your mental health is helpful.
Eating healthy has definitely improved our mental health during the pandemic. We got a lot of takeout at the beginning, and felt down all the time. Once we started cooking everything from scratch and incorporating lots of veggies and fruit, we started to feel much better mentally and physically!
Take out food and processed food can have many chemicals that negatively affect the brain.
For me, it’s about sharing my struggles and wins with my closest family members then having healthier foods in my table. I think it improves my mental health.
You have found what works for you. You improve and maintain your mental health in sharing your life with close family and good food.
Share your pain. Yes, I agree. Because it is liberating when you have someone to talk to about your thoughts, your feelings. It feels great also that you are not alone in your journey. Instead other people are feeling the same way too.
Sharing your burden is very liberating. Knowing you have someone who always has your back is comforting.
With the extended lockdown, many people have mental health issues. This is an important read now that we are stuck at home most of the time.
The extended lockdown certainly made it hard. Attending to one’s mental health is a key component of a great life.
I spend so much time sitting or lying down in my bed even when i’m working at home, i think get moving and jogging in the morning could help, thanks for advice
Sitting or lying all day can certainly be rough on one’s back. SOme morning movement can really get your blood pumping.
Thank you so much for addressing this issue and I think it is important to many people as they don’t realize sometimes they may have this mental health issues. Its important to keep it checked- 🙂 Knycx Journeying
It is important to check in with yourself in regards to your mental state of mind.
These are all great tips. I especially love the tips on eating healthy and moving. I didn’t realize that exercise helped my mood and mental health until I started working out again 2 months ago.
You found out one of the secrets to great exercise is all the great feel-good hormones.
Everything you mention here is good, but I would put exercise first. The way you feel after a good workout greatly enhances your mental mood.
Exercise certainly does enhance the mood. Thank you for that feedback on the order that makes the most sense to you.
Mental health is so important, thank you for sharing these tips!
You are very welcome.
These are great ideas! Eating healthy and exercising helps everything!
Indeed they do. Thank you for reading.
This is a great read. We are now in the pandemic and most people have mental health issues.
The pandemic has had a very negative effect on mental health.
These are all great ways to mind our mental health. Since we are still on lockdown, I make do with other ways to get in some physical activity – gardening, decluttering, etc. I also spend some time tinkering with my camera, learning a few trick shots. It helps really.
You keep yourself busy with tinkering, photos and healthy pursuits.
I’m going to do some research on some foods that help with mental health. I had no idea that could help. I think it’s a great idea to be grateful and develop a healthy gratitude of thanks.
Speaking in gratitude and feeling true gratitude go a long way.
I’ve decided since reading this post that I really need to do more physical activites. I’m limited in what I can do but I’m going to consult with my doctor and make that a priority.
Limitation in what you can do just means it is time to get more creative. 🙂
I do agree with being grateful all the time. When I feel bad, I try to see the good in the situation by being thankful with what I have.
Seeing the good in some situations is very hard but also very helpful.
Yes, it’s very hard. In a negative situation, I sometimes just let the initial anxiety temper down. I even let myself be angry and let it all out. When I’m feeling a bit better, that’s the time when I reassess the situation again and try to see the positive in it.
You reassess after calming down. You have practice for getting to calm down. Thank you for sharing your process.
it helps to be mobile despite the pandemic! 😉 and yeah it’s true that you are what you eat.. so better eat healthy food..
Being mobile definitely helps with feeling more light in mood.